In 2011 an international working group developed a vocabulary of types of grey literature (henceforth GL Vocabulary). The typology of grey literature is an RDF (Resource Description Framework) vocabulary expressed in a SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) concept scheme. Each type is provided with a definition and most of them are accompanied by a prototypical example of a document for which it can be used. The GL Vocabulary is published as linked data. Each type is identified by a URI and the vocabulary is interlinked and mapped to other datasets. The GL Vocabulary is distributed as a controlled vocabulary in machine-readable format. More information can be found on the project web pages: and in the GL13 Conference Proceedings "A linked-data vocabulary of grey literature document types: Version 1.0"
The international working group continues to further develop the GL-Typology by adding examples, addressing new comments and issues, and in preparing translations to other languages.
GreyNet International Grey Literature Network Service Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam Netherlands