The Grey Journal (TGJ) is a flagship journal for the grey literature community. It crosses continents, disciplines, and sectors both public and private. The Grey Journal not only deals with the topic of grey literature but also is itself a document type that is classified as grey literature. It is akin to other grey serial publications, such as conference proceedings, reports, working papers, etc. The Grey Journal is geared to Colleges and Schools of Library and Information Studies, as well as, information professionals, who produce, publish, process, manage, disseminate, and use grey literature e.g. researchers, editors, librarians, documentalists, archivists, journalists, intermediaries, etc.
Journal Editor
Dr. Dominic Farace GreyNet International Grey Literature Network Service
Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0) 20-331.2420
Associate Editors
Julia Gelfand, AAAS Fellow University of California, Irvine (UCI), United States
Dr. Joachim Schöpfel University of Lille, France
Dr. Dobrica Savic IAEA Consultant in Nuclear Knowledge Management, Austria
Prof. Dr. Tomas A. Lipinski University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee, United States
Dr. Plato Smith L. Smith University of Florida; George A. Smathers Libraries, United States
Technical Editor
Jerry Frantzen TextRelease