GreyNet Award Recipient 2008 GreyNet Award Recipient 2007 GreyNet Award Recipient 2006 GreyNet Award Recipient 2005 GreyNet Award Recipient 2004 GreyNet Award Recipient 2000 GreyNet Award Recipient 1999
GreyNet Award Dinner 2009
December 13, 2009 - Washington D.C. USA
"Finest Publick House in Amercia"
GreyNet Award Dinner 2009 in the “Finest Publick House in America”
This year’s GreyNet Award Dinner will be held on December 13, 2009 in Gadsby’s Tavern Restaurant in Old Town Alexandria just across the Potomac River from Washington D.C. This Eighteenth Century Historic landmark is noted for its exquisite Georgian architecture. No building in the United States is more intimately associated with the American independence and national sovereignty. For nearly a century, Gadsby’s Tavern was a center of political, social, and cultural life. Those who dine here do so within the same walls that hosted the first three presidents: George Washington, who conducted his final review of his troops on the front steps, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. The GreyNet Award Dinner will commence at 7pm in the main dining hall. Personal invitations will be extended to GreyNet Associate Members, Institutional Members, Individual Members, GL11 Program Committee Members, and Conference Sponsors.
Co-Sponsor GreyNet Award Dinner
EBSCO is the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals including TGJ, The Grey Journal. In 2005, GreyNet entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing. This year TGJ is in its 5th volume, marking the first lustrum for the international journal on grey literature. The full text of articles in The Grey Journal can be found in the LISTA-FT database (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts - Full Text).
GreyNet Award Recipients 2008
Anne Gentile-Beccot, CERN
Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research is the GreyNet Award Recipient 2008. This award is in recognition for her contribution to the field of grey literature over the past year. Nominations for the GreyNet Award are based on (1) Results from the GL9 Participant Evaluation Forms, (2) Publication of the author’s full-text paper in the GL9 Conference Proceedings, (3) Selection and publication of the author’s conference paper as a journal article, whereby research results originating in the GL-Conference Series are exported and become accessible via other channels, (4) Prior history of the author and her organization on the topic of grey literature, and (5) Willingness to attend the GreyNet Award Dinner in order to personally receive the honor.
GreyNet Award Recipients 2007
Todd A. Chavez, Anna H. Perrault, Pete Reehling (University of South Florida), and Courtney Crummett (National Library of Medicine) are the team recipients of the GreyNet Award 2007. This award is in recognition for their contribution to the field of grey literature over the past year. Nominations for the GreyNet Award are based on (1) Results from the GL8 Participant Evaluation Forms, (2) Publication of the author’s full-text paper in the GL8 Conference Proceedings, (3) Selection and publication of the author’s conference paper as a journal article, whereby research results originating in the GL-Conference Series are exported and become accessible via other channels, (4) Prior history of the authors on the topic of grey literature, and (5) Willingness to attend the GreyNet Award Dinner in order to personally receive the honor.
Todd A. Chavez
GreyNet Award Recipient 2006
Marcus A. Banks (2006)
Marcus A. Banks, Library Associate with the New York University School of Medicine is recipient of the GreyNet Award 2006. This award is in recognition for his contribution to the field of grey literature over the past year. Nominations for the GreyNet Award are based on (1) Results from the GL7 Participant Evaluation Forms, (2) Publication of the author’s full-text paper in the GL7 Conference Proceedings, (3) Selection and publication of the author’s conference paper as a journal article, whereby research results originating in the Conference Series are exported and become accessible via other channels, and (4) Prior history of the author on the topic of grey literature.
GreyNet Award Recipient 2005
Jeffery and Asserson (2005)
Prof. Keith G Jeffery, CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (United Kingdom) together with Anne Asserson, University of Bergen (Norway) are co-recipients of the GreyNet Award 2005. The award is in recognition for their contribution to the field of grey literature over the past year. Nominations for the GreyNet Award are based on (1) Results from the GL6 Participant Evaluation Forms, (2) Publication of the author(s) paper in the GL6 Conference Proceedings, (3) Selection and publication of the author(s) paper as a journal article, thus exporting and distributing research results originating in the GL Conference Series, (4) Prior history of the author(s) on the topic of grey literature, and (5) Willingness to attend the GreyNet Award Dinner in order to receive the honor.
Previous awards for outstanding achievement in the field of Grey Literature are held by: Julia Gelfand, University of California, Irvine, USA (1999); Daniela Luzi, National Council of Research, Rome, Italy (2000); Dr. Bertrum H. MacDonald, Ruth E. Cordes and Peter G. Wells, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (2004).
GreyNet Award Recipient 2004
Luzi (2000), MacDonald (2004), Gelfand (1999)
Dr. Bertrum H. MacDonald, Associate Dean of Research in the Faculty of Management at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada received the GreyNet Award 2004. MacDonald accepted this award both on his behalf and that of two co-authors, Ruth E. Cordes and Peter G. Wells. The award is in recognition for their contribution to the field of grey literature over the past year. Nominations for the GreyNet Award are based on (1) Results from the GL5 Participant Evaluation Forms, (2) Publication of the author(s) paper in the GL5 Conference Proceedings, (3) Selection and publication of the author(s) paper in the special issue of PRQ'2004 on grey literature, (4) Prior history of the author(s) on the topic of grey literature, and (5) Willingness to attend the GreyNet Award Dinner in order to receive the honor. The GreyNet Award Dinner was held on the evening of December 6th 2004 immediately following the GL6 Inaugural Reception. Personal invitations were extended to the Conference Host, Sponsors, Program Committee, and to GreyNet Members.